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Server Information

Address survivaltekkit404.hopto.org:25565
MOTD ///==SurvivalTekkit404==
Server Status Online Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0/24
Location United Kingdom United Kingdom
Minecraft Version 1.2.5
Registered By Stuff1646
Registered Since October 22nd, 2023 08:36 AM EST
Last Update September 12th, 2024 07:59 AM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Casual Discord PvE PvP Ranks Spigot Survival Tekkit


Uptime 100%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 4057
Score 0
Favorited 0

About This Server


We're currently running custom server fork + customly written patches to fix issues, if you notice any bugs
please let us know!

We currently allow none-premium & premium users to join, enjoy!

---== [ Commands ] =---
/help: Views a list of available commands.
/survival: teleports you to survival.
/banneditems: View banned items.
/vote: Vote for rewards.
/points: Hourly points.
/lag: View server performance stats.
/Rules: Views the server rules.
/leaderboard: Displays leaderboard.
/stats: View your hours played.
/warp: self explanatory.
/home: self explanatory.
/sethome: self explanatory.
/shops: List available shops.
/shopwarp: self explanatory.
*New commands/features will be added, as server progresses.

---== [ Protecting your builds ] =---
Use golden shovel to claim land, and protect your build!

---== [ Network Nodes ] =---
London & São Paulo available.

---== [ Banned Items ] =---

Railcraft World Anchor only.
Additional items can be added at anyitem with short notice.
Gem armor abusive powers & other misc things are enabled, and allowed on the server.

---= [ Restrictions? ] =---

Computercraft:207: Requires Atleast Member.
All turtles:216,'216:1','216:2','216:3': Requires Atleast Member.
Additional items can be added at anyitem in short notice.

---= [ ChunkLoaders ] =---
Keeps the area loaded while the players offline.
Can be crafted by anyone & placed.

Dimensional Anchor: Placement limit of 4-per-player, each one keeps 1x chunk loaded.
Teleport Tether: Placement limit of 4-per-player, each one keeps chunk loaded.
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What is the server IP for Survivaltekkit404?

The IP address of Survivaltekkit404 Minecraft server is survivaltekkit404.hopto.org:25565

How do I play on the Survivaltekkit404 Minecraft server?

Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address survivaltekkit404.hopto.org:25565 in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on Survivaltekkit404.

What Minecraft game version does Survivaltekkit404 server support?

Survivaltekkit404 supports Minecraft version: 1.2.5.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the Survivaltekkit404 Minecraft Server being hosted?

The Survivaltekkit404 server is currently hosted in United Kingdom with an uptime of 100%.

What gamemodes can I play on the Survivaltekkit404 Minecraft Server?

You can play Casual, Discord, PvE, PvP, Ranks, Spigot, Survival, Tekkit on the Survivaltekkit404 server.
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