

Server Information

Address Private Server
MOTD 1.20+
Server Status Online Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 15/1000
Location Spain Spain
Minecraft Version 1.21
Website http://iipukema.com
Registered By iipukema
Registered Since March 8th, 2023 04:14 PM EST
Last Update April 18th, 2023 03:21 PM EST
Theme Water
Tag(s) Adventure Arena Discord Economy LifeSteal McMMO PvP SMP Survival

Discord Server


Uptime 100%
Vote(s) 2
Rank 2730
Score 3
Favorited 0

About This Server

Iipukema Network os presenta Ipucraft,
el servidor McMMo oficial de la network iipukema, un survival con economía, en el cual podrás vender y comprar objetos con dinero del juego,
Banco para poder guardar todos los millones de iipucoins que consigas, subastas para poder vender lo que no necesites, claims para que tus cosas estén protegidas siempre,
Clanes para que tu y tus amigos podáis tener un sitio de Reunión.
Arenas con ranking,
Cajas sorpresa a través de votaciones diarias,
Mercado de abastos donde comprar cualquier ítem que necesites,
lore y mucho mas!!!
Descúbrelo en iipukema.com puerto 25565 Java y Bedrock!
Iipukema.com el único servidor que da la cara.! Síguenos en Twitch y en el resto de redes sociales!!! Únete a la comunidad ... a que esperas?

Disponemos de SquidGames, OneBlock, Skyblock, Skywars, Parkour, Lifestile, Minijuegos, Survival normal y Survival Técnico.
Que estas esperando para entrar y probar?

How do I play on the IipuCraft Minecraft server?

IipuCraft is a private Minecraft server. Contact the staff of this server on their Discord server or Website to get the server address.

What Minecraft game version does IipuCraft server support?

IipuCraft supports Minecraft version: 1.21.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the IipuCraft Minecraft Server being hosted?

The IipuCraft server is currently hosted in Spain with an uptime of 100%.

What gamemodes can I play on the IipuCraft Minecraft Server?

You can play Adventure, Arena, Discord, Economy, LifeSteal, McMMO, PvP, SMP, Survival on the IipuCraft server.

What is the website for the IipuCraft Minecraft Server?

The website link for IipuCraft is http://iipukema.com.
Minecraft and associated Minecraft images are copyright of Mojang and Microsoft.

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