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Project Nebula


Server Information

Address Private Server
MOTD project Project Nebula nebulaa
survivalsuri Survival isurvivalsu
Server Status Online Checked <1 minute ago
Players 1/45
Location United States of America United States of America
Minecraft Version 1.21.4
Registered By cowmilk
Registered Since August 25th, 2020 07:35 PM EST
Last Update May 8th, 2021 05:17 PM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Adventure Bukkit Casual Discord Events Spigot Survival Vanilla Whitelist

Discord Server


Uptime 100%
Vote(s) 1
Rank 2302
Score 2
Favorited 1

About This Server

Project Nebula | SMP | 1.16.1 | 16+ | Whitelist | Hermitcraft-like | Discord | LGBTQ+ Friendly | UHC/Community Events & Projects | Datapacks | Paper
Project Nebula

Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi. We love playing as a community and generally interacting with new people, which is why we started a server. Our community is tight, welcoming, and full of personable, interesting people! I hope you give our server a shot!

About Us

We are looking to play with new people! We love to fiddle with Redstone and farms, but we also love building beautiful structures and planning a nice base, and just generally hanging out and relaxing with some games. We encourage all playstyles and love to see the creative ways you guys play this game! We have experience hosting multiple servers in the past, such as Colincraft and Nebula Network, and have joined/played on many servers, too.

Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server but an active community and group of friends as well. While our community has a solid base, we are always looking to expand our group and we'd love to get to know you! We'd love to play other games with you in addition to Minecraft, such as Terraria, GTA V, Smash Ultimate, or whatever else you may have on Steam (or other consoles, like Switch). We've found that many of our players tend to be college students majoring in engineering, but of course, anyone is welcome and will feel at home with us!

You can reach our Discord by clicking this https://discord.com/invite/qVYj7yE. You will receive a private message upon joining with more detailed instructions on how to accept our rules and apply. Most of our channels are hidden until you become a member. You must first agree to our rules using !agree and will then be able to apply for whitelist, with a message DM'd to you with instructions. Please make sure you allow DMs from server members, otherwise, you will not be able to apply. Upon acceptance, you will be whitelisted and granted access to the rest of the Discord!

Our Dynmap can be found here.


We are hosting the following servers:

Minecraft 1.16.1 Vanilla - Updating soon! (Running Paper MC with no major plugins. Our map started June 8th 2019 :))

-This server uses quality-of-life datapacks, which are designed to aid the experience and efficiency of the game without altering the Vanilla feel. Examples include one-player sleep, logical uncrafting, and Ender Dragon dropping elytra. A full list of datapacks can be found here! To improve server performance we've been running the latest builds of Paper MC because it has better chunk loading and is generally more stable than Vanilla. No game-changing plugins are used; we only use plugins to optimize villagers and pillagers, as well as core protect for admin purposes.

We run Paper just for better performance. Full Vanilla experience!

Minecraft 1.16.1 Creative

-Flatworld for our community to test their builds and other creations. Uses the same datapacks and plugin configuration as the main server for consistency. Also has a limited world edit available to all players.

Terraria Server

-We recently finished our playthrough of the Journey's End update, but we're willing to start a new playthrough if there's enough community interest!

Modded Minecraft server

-We recently created a joint modded server with the Dominion community mentioned previously. We began this modded server on August 13th, running the FTB Revelations due to its emphasis on performance, stability, and easier learning curve for newer players. Just give yourself the Modded Minecraft role in our self-assign-roles channel once you are accepted onto our server to gain access!

Other Minecraft game modes & community events

-We've hosted numerous UHC events and other game modes in the past and they always go down really well! These events are a great way to socialize with people on our server that you would've otherwise never spoken to before, so we hope you join us! We've also hosted other community events, like build battles on the Vanilla server. Let us know what you're interested in and we'll see what we can do!

How do I play on the Project Nebula Minecraft server?

Project Nebula is a private Minecraft server. Contact the staff of this server on their Discord server or Website to get the server address.

What Minecraft game version does Project Nebula server support?

Project Nebula supports Minecraft version: 1.21.4.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the Project Nebula Minecraft Server being hosted?

The Project Nebula server is currently hosted in United States of America with an uptime of 100%.

What gamemodes can I play on the Project Nebula Minecraft Server?

You can play Adventure, Bukkit, Casual, Discord, Events, Spigot, Survival, Vanilla, Whitelist on the Project Nebula server.
Minecraft and associated Minecraft images are copyright of Mojang and Microsoft.

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