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Minecraft Space Servers

Servers: 231

A space-themed Minecraft server is a server that runs the Minecraft game and has been configured or modded to include features or themes related to space and sci-fi. This can include things like spaceships, planets, star bases, and other celestial structures, as well as custom game modes, plugins, and other features that aim to capture the feeling of space exploration and science fiction. Space servers can feature elements such as creating and flying your own spaceships, colonizing new planets, mining resources from celestial bodies and creating new and advanced technologies.

Players can join these servers and interact with other players, explore different planets and galaxies, mine resources, build spaceships and space stations, engage in space combat, and other activities. Space servers can offer a unique gameplay experience that combines the exploration and creativity of Minecraft with the exciting and vast possibilities of space and science fiction. This server will often use mods that allow for space-related gameplay, and is sometimes named as Space Survival, Space Exploration or Space Adventure.

Premium Server
1.21.4 303/1000
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1.21.4 1004/1500
1.21.4 257/500
1.20 131/2024
1.21.4 270/5000
1.21.4 34/256
1.20.1 55/2025
1.21.4 67/68
1.20.1 8/200
1.21.4 92/500
1.16.5 12/160
1.21.4 4/50
1.21.4 58/500
1.12.2 2/2025
1.21.1 1/250
1.21.4 23/100
1.21.4 12/200
1.20.1 21/500
1.21 115/200
1.20.4 9/100
1.21.4 4/128
1.21.3 13/200
1.21.4 3/100
1.10 9/2024
1.21.4 4/40
1.21.4 20/9999

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