Minecraft Cross-Play Servers

Servers: 1171

Minecraft Cross-Play servers allow Minecraft Bedrock players to play with Minecraft Java players. Geyser is a proxy, bridging the gap between Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition servers. The ultimate goal of this project is to allow Minecraft: Bedrock Edition users to join Minecraft: Java Edition servers as seamlessly as possible to allow for true cross-platform.

Traditionally, Minecraft servers were limited to players on the same platform, which meant that players on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, or mobile devices could only play with others on the same platform. However, cross-play servers allow players on different devices to connect and play together in the same Minecraft world. This is made possible through Minecraft's Better Together update, which introduced cross-play functionality to the game. With this update, players can connect to a cross-play server using their Xbox Live account or Microsoft account, which can be used across different platforms.

Minecraft Bedrock servers can be register on our top Bedrock server list at MinecraftPocket-Servers.com.

Find all the best Minecraft Cross-Play servers on our top server list.

Premium Server
1.21.4 233/1000
1.21.4 163/1000
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1.20.4 254/2500
1.21.4 581/2025
1.21.4 233/234
1.21.4 185/1000
1.21.4 482/494
1.21.4 324/9999
1.21.4 136/500
1.21.4 319/500
1.21.4 234/500
1.21.3 485/2000
1.21.4 4200/1000
1.21.3 93/380
1.21.4 71/888
1.21.4 382/500
1.21.4 165/1000
1.21.3 272/300
1.21.4 153/220
1.21.4 120/125
1.20 63/2024
1.20 23/100
1.21.4 11/200
1.21.4 130/280
1.21.4 112/5000
1.21.3 19/1000
1.21.4 388/1000

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