Chronicles of Arvandor


Server Information

MOTD Chronicles Of Arvandor
Server Status Online Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0/50
Location United States of America United States of America
Minecraft Version 1.19.4
Registered By ChroniclesOfArvandor
Registered Since June 29th, 2023 06:45 PM EST
Last Update June 30th, 2023 07:08 PM EST
Theme Medieval
Tag(s) Adult Adventure Discord Economy Events Jobs PvE Roleplay Whitelist

Discord Server


Uptime 100%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 4662
Score 0
Favorited 1

About This Server

Before you is a book, conveniently placed in the middle of your path. Its covers are made of untempered wood, bound together by thick strips of vine. As you pick it up from the forest floor, you notice a title etched into the bark.

A Pixie's Guide to Talgalen
For Round Ear Folks

Welcome one and all to our island, Talgalen! You may feel a tang of guilt for invading our private home, but there’s no need to worry. We don’t mind sharing, especially if it’s only for a short while. After all, mortal days are numbered. With that in mind, us pixies have prepared a special guide to help kill some time! Learn about Talgalen (as well as our server) and settle in.


Let’s start by catching you up. It’s the year 1338 DR. At first, the citizens of Faerun kept their distance from Talgalen, both figuratively and literally. Being west of the Moonshae Isles, the island had plenty of wiggle room between itself and the continent. Why bother with the commute? There was nothing Faerun needed from us, and nothing we needed from them. That’s where most heads were at until strange occurrences, tied to Talgalen, brought attention westward.

What were these “strange occurrences?” This might be a guide, but information like that doesn’t come for free! Consider throwing some copper our way and we can upgrade you to “A Pixie’s Guide To Talgalen’s Secrets.”

Anywho, the Lord’s Alliance, the bigshots over in Faerun, were not pleased. They claimed they would have to “save the island from itself,” and started a colonization effort along our shores. I would tell you that it’s a bunch of nonsense, but I’m sure you, the reader, are one of these “saviors.” Whether you’ve come here with a fleet or as a stowaway in one of their ships, it doesn't make a difference. We don't need any saviors, thank you very much.


With that in mind, you all should stop being so nosy! It’s not exploration, it’s trespassing! I don’t care if you get to learn about our regions, people and goods (through snippets of lore provided by the plugin). It’s not like you can recall it all (unless you use the /codex command).


Do you even know what you’re doing? Because if you don’t, I can’t help you (but our custom D&D plugin sure can! Featuring easy to use menus and prompts, character creation, spell lists and more at your fingertips).

Start Your Adventure (Back Home)!
With Regards, A Sassy Pixie

Players must be 16+ to participate in the roleplay due to the darker themes of D&D.

What is the server IP for Chronicles of Arvandor?

The IP address of Chronicles of Arvandor Minecraft server is

How do I play on the Chronicles of Arvandor Minecraft server?

Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on Chronicles of Arvandor.

What Minecraft game version does Chronicles of Arvandor server support?

Chronicles of Arvandor supports Minecraft version: 1.19.4.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the Chronicles of Arvandor Minecraft Server being hosted?

The Chronicles of Arvandor server is currently hosted in United States of America with an uptime of 100%.

What gamemodes can I play on the Chronicles of Arvandor Minecraft Server?

You can play Adult, Adventure, Discord, Economy, Events, Jobs, PvE, Roleplay, Whitelist on the Chronicles of Arvandor server.
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