

Server Information

Address ultimatumsmp.apexmc.co:25864
MOTD welcome to the ultimatumsmp
Server Status Online Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0/100
Location United States of America United States of America
Minecraft Version 1.21
Website https://discord.gg/UqcQ8r7U
Registered By opbrenden
Registered Since May 6th, 2022 09:44 PM EST
Last Update May 6th, 2022 09:44 PM EST
Theme Water
Tag(s) Paper Ranks


Uptime 100%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 4303
Score 0
Favorited 0

About This Server

Please join the discord server for more info.
It in the website place.
o and the server is 1.18.2-.1.10
the recommended Minecraft Version is 1.18.2-1.18.1

No unfair udvantage.
No Xray.
No Unfair Texture packs.
No Dupeing
No lag machines.
Use common sense.
Have fun!
No alt acounts
No bot raiding.

Swearing is allowed but try not to swear muchNo sexually explicit content.
No pornographic content.
No NSFW content.
No illegal content.
No piracy.
No hacking.
No personal attacks.
No witch hunting.
No harassment.
No sexism.
No racism.
No hate speech.
No religious discussions.
No political discussions.
No sexual discussions.
Agree to disagree.
Keep conversations in English, unless in
Moderators reserve the right to delete any post.
No Admin abuseNo doxing,(saying the persons real name without there permission)
No begging for better/higher roleIf any of the rules are broken, you will face the consiquence and I will not tolerate to ban people if any of the rules are broken.
Spoken language: English - Chinese
survival lifesteal
ip: Ultimatumsmp.apexmc.co
Custom recipes!
Anti Combat Log!
Half Player Sleep!
Good Community!
50,000,000 world border
Small server
New server
Adding Bedrock soon!!!
Giveaways !!!!!!
AWESOME spawn!
More Coming Soon !!!!

What is the server IP for ultimatumsmp?

The IP address of ultimatumsmp Minecraft server is ultimatumsmp.apexmc.co:25864

How do I play on the ultimatumsmp Minecraft server?

Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address ultimatumsmp.apexmc.co:25864 in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on ultimatumsmp.

What Minecraft game version does ultimatumsmp server support?

ultimatumsmp supports Minecraft version: 1.21.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the ultimatumsmp Minecraft Server being hosted?

The ultimatumsmp server is currently hosted in United States of America with an uptime of 100%.

What gamemodes can I play on the ultimatumsmp Minecraft Server?

You can play Paper, Ranks on the ultimatumsmp server.

What is the website for the ultimatumsmp Minecraft Server?

The website link for ultimatumsmp is https://discord.gg/UqcQ8r7U.
Minecraft and associated Minecraft images are copyright of Mojang and Microsoft.

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