

Server Information

Address Private Server
MOTD A Minecraft Server
Server Status Offline Checked 1 minute ago / Online 16 days ago
Players 0/120
Location United States of America United States of America
Minecraft Version 1.12.2
Registered By LocalSailor
Registered Since December 18th, 2020 06:22 AM EST
Last Update December 18th, 2020 06:22 AM EST
Theme Other
Tag(s) Adventure Casual Discord Economy Events PvE Survival Survival Games Whitelist

Discord Server


Uptime 34%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 6807
Score 0
Favorited 0

About This Server

Hello everyone! so about a week or two ago me and few buddies decided to start our own Semi-Vanilla Survival server it has a few mods mostly for Quality of life and to spice things up a little bit. after playing for awhile and bringing a few of our buddies along to the server we realized that as we kept getting a few more peeps that it was nice having new faces around so we spent about a week trying to make the server open to the public by setting up a discord and a proper spawn location. so we are glad to announce now that we are opening our server doors to everyone else! we are a Forge 1.16.4 java server and inside the discord you will find all the required mods that you need in order to get on. if you're wanting a vanilla-ish server with some spice that is fairly new you're more than welcome to come join us!

How do I play on the SailorsParadise Minecraft server?

SailorsParadise is a private Minecraft server. Contact the staff of this server on their Discord server or Website to get the server address.

What Minecraft game version does SailorsParadise server support?

SailorsParadise supports Minecraft version: 1.12.2.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the SailorsParadise Minecraft Server being hosted?

The SailorsParadise server is currently hosted in United States of America with an uptime of 34%.

What gamemodes can I play on the SailorsParadise Minecraft Server?

You can play Adventure, Casual, Discord, Economy, Events, PvE, Survival, Survival Games, Whitelist on the SailorsParadise server.

What is the website for the SailorsParadise Minecraft Server?

The website link for SailorsParadise is
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