Hadean Server

Hadean Server

Server Information

Address Private Server
MOTD Hadean 2.0 - [1.18.1]
Server Status Online Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0/200
Location United States of America United States of America
Minecraft Version 1.18.1
Registered By englishmystery
Registered Since September 4th, 2019 07:28 AM EST
Last Update July 22nd, 2020 02:05 PM EST
Theme Modern
Tag(s) Adult Adventure Casual Discord PvE PvP Vanilla Whitelist

Discord Server


Uptime 96%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 5976
Score 0
Favorited 0

About This Server

Hadean Server

Welcome and thank you for checking out the server post. The server has just been restarted for 1.14.4, this is a whitelist pure vanilla style server looking for mature players that want to form a tight community and record for YouTube as well as have fun. Hadean is a 24/7 server with 99.9% uptime and set on hard difficulty (non-negotiable). If you are a fan of pure vanilla Minecraft then this is what you are looking for.


1) No Griefing. No destruction, altering of another players builds or area without consent.

2) No Stealing. Don't take any other players hard earned loot, they earned it so they deserve to keep it.

3) No PVP. Not allowed unless all players involved agree upon the battles and please return the items lost in battle.

4) Pranking. No TNT or lava is to be used in pranks as well as not killing the other players. Please don't lag the server with a prank, keep them within reason, and leave a sign taking responsibility. Be prepared to help with the clean-up, pranks should be fun and not a constant hassle.

5) Dedication. Inactivity without a good reason such as vacations, family emergency, school, work and other situations will result in temporary removal from the whitelist and Skype blowing up (in other words keep us in the loop). Also no playing for 5 minutes a week.

6) Respect. No racism, bigotry or bad nature will be tolerated!

7) Community Projects. There will be times that we all need to pitch in on larger projects, be prepared to help.

8) Swearing. Please keep the bad language to a minimum in the chat, also in Skype/Discord for the younger community members.

9) No Mods, Hacks or Cheats. Optifine is allowed for computer performance issues. NO use of mini-maps. Remember this is a pure vanilla server.

10) Any violation of the rules will result in being removed from this server!

11) Have Fun!!!

Please answer all questions


Country: (Optional)

Skype/Discord: (Mandatory) We will do this by Personal Message

Have you ever been banned?(This will be investigated):

What is your specialty? Redstone, building, design, caving etc.?:

Why would you like to join?:

Estimated time playing weekly?:

Would you participate in community activities?:

Please use link to apply.


How do I play on the Hadean Server Minecraft server?

Hadean Server is a private Minecraft server. Contact the staff of this server on their Discord server or Website to get the server address.

What Minecraft game version does Hadean Server server support?

Hadean Server supports Minecraft version: 1.18.1.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the Hadean Server Minecraft Server being hosted?

The Hadean Server server is currently hosted in United States of America with an uptime of 96%.

What gamemodes can I play on the Hadean Server Minecraft Server?

You can play Adult, Adventure, Casual, Discord, PvE, PvP, Vanilla, Whitelist on the Hadean Server server.
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