Minecraft 1.13 Pre-Release 7

The seventh pre-release for Minecraft 1.13 is now available.

Find all servers to this version here : https://minecraft-mp.com/version/1_13/



  • Advancement descriptions now have colors:
    • Normal and Goal advancements have green descriptions.
    • Challenge advancements have purple descriptions.
Debug screen
  • Left side:
    • Added "Looking at liquid" row. Displays the targeted fluid's coordinates.
    • "Looking at" row has been renamed "Looking at block" and now targets through liquids.
  • Right side:
    • "Targeted Block" informations now targets through fluids.
  • Fixed outstanding issues with the new improved fonts.


  • Maps changed slightly.


Waterlogged Blocks
  • All waterlogged blocks now display the drip animation.


  • Pressing the jump in flowing water at level=1, level=2 and level=3 will now do normal jumps instead of swimming up.


49 issues fixed
From released versions before 1.13
  • MC-1390 – Upper slabs with water/lava on top makes midair dripping water/lava
  • MC-37557 – Sometimes a minecart sound plays/subtitle shown when loading a world.
  • MC-76920 – Non-solid blocks don't show up on maps if the block below isn't solid
From the 1.13 development versions
  • MC-122596 – Command autocomplete overrides command history navigation.
  • MC-122734 – No particles when bed explodes in the nether.
  • MC-123087 – Fences, glass panes, iron bars, stairs, and melon/pumpkin stems in structures generate with wrong block state.
  • MC-123369 – Trying to recreate world from future version shows no warning and can crash.
  • MC-123769 – Some item tooltips that previously had colors don't have colors anymore.
  • MC-123836 – Double blocks aren't loaded in structures.
  • MC-123850 – Redstone dust doesn't update shape of connecting redstone dust when going up onto transparent blocks.
  • MC-124015 – Red Giant Mushrooms generate with 5 blocks having wrong blockstates, thus showing wrong faces.
  • MC-124126 – You no longer look at the block you are inside of.
  • MC-124915 – /locate and eye of ender find strongholds in invalid places.
  • MC-125090 – Cartographer doesn't unlock woodland mansion map trades.
  • MC-125462 – Waterlogged blocks does not decrease light level.
  • MC-125872 – Superflat preset "The Void" doesn't generate starting platform anymore.
  • MC-125992 – Cave outlines generate in ocean ravines.
  • MC-126704 – X-ray vision.
  • MC-126998 – When their block state changes, waterlogged blocks don't remove water they let through.
  • MC-127025 – Waterlogged blocks do not display water drip animation.
  • MC-127093 – Water flowing onto waterlogged blocks spreads outward, rather than stopping.
  • MC-127114 – Water in glass panes and ladders doesn't appear in maps.
  • MC-127115 – Visually fully submerged waterlogged blocks don't appear as water on maps.
  • MC-127224 – Waterlogged blocks that are not full blocks trigger auto-jump even if it is disabled.
  • MC-127303 – There are no water sources near the south ceiling of flooded caves and trenches.
  • MC-128257 – Bugged swimming animation while the head is not underwater.
  • MC-128478 – Distance swum statistic uses old "swimming" (bobbing on top of water) instead of the new swimming.
  • MC-129388 – Player suffocating when touching a solid block while swimming.
  • MC-129892 – Selector wildcard doesn't work in scoreboard operations.
  • MC-130072 – Pufferfish don't play the entity.puffer_fish.sting sound when damaging mobs.
  • MC-131352 – Item rarity color / colour overrides first text component's colour in the held tooltip (item switching).
  • MC-131382 – Scoreboard objective name can't be updated.
  • MC-132135 – Bad performance of a 1.12.2 world in 1.13.
  • MC-132248 – Server crash on launch using Java 9 or newer.
  • MC-132269 – Blocks invisible on map.
  • MC-132375 – Upgrading 1.12.2 world to 1.13-pre5 crashes the game.
  • MC-132483 – Crawling into sufficiently tight holes can cause the character to suffocate
From the previous development version
  • MC-132631 – Cannot write in the box in the Superflat presets option.
  • MC-132632 – Can not climb 1 block height if player is in water 5 or more blocks from water source.
  • MC-132654 – F3 + I is missing large amounts of data.
  • MC-132706 – Sticky pistons pull blocks that pop off.
  • MC-132751 – Two chests spawned inside each other.
  • MC-132833 – Opening 1.5.2 world on 1.12.2 works perfectly but bed is transparent.
  • MC-132974 – Converting 1.12 world to 1.13 spams Chunk file at x,y is missing level data, skipping.
  • MC-132977 – Esc key results in an older world being converted to a newer version during 'Play' menu sequence.
  • MC-133063 – When trying to connect to an unreachable server Minecraft crashes instead of showing error message.
  • MC-133136 – Crash when launching the game with LWJGL allocation debugging enabled.
  • MC-133139 – The image write callback is never freed, leaking small amounts of memory for each screenshot.
  • MC-133140 – The GL debug message callbacks are never freed, causing memory leak warnings.
Posted on July 10th, 2018 04:28 PM EST
minecraft updates pre-release 1.13
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