Minecraft Snapshot 16w06a

Minecraft version 16w06a, a new snapshot for Minecraft 1.9, has been released.

Find all servers to this version here : https://minecraft-mp.com/version/16w05a/


  • Riding entities such as boats, horses, minecarts and saddled pigs, are now run by the client instead by the server.
  • The elytra texture now defaults to the cape texture if no custom texture is uploaded and the player owns a cape.
  • In addition to previous patches of the 1.9 snapshots, more sounds have been modified.
  • Most entities in the game should now move much more smoothly.
  • Tipped Arrows are now crafted by 8 arrows surrounding a lingering potion of that type, yielding 8 of them.
    • Can no longer be obtained by splashing down a lingering potion first, then shooting regular arrows through that cloud.
    • This new method can even create Tipped Arrows from a custom lingering potion using commands, but the Tipped Arrow will say "Arrow of Splashing" if it is custom-made.
  • Maximum radius for Frost Walker is now 16 blocks (i.e. levels over 14 don't increase the range).
  • Stronghold placement has changed:
    • The 1st ring has 3 strongholds within 1408–2688 of the origin
    • The 2nd ring has 6 strongholds within 4480–5760 of the origin
    • The 3rd ring has 10 strongholds within 7552–8832 of the origin
    • The 4th ring has 15 strongholds within 10624–11904 of the origin
    • The 5th ring has 21 strongholds within 13696–14976 of the origin
    • The 6th ring has 28 strongholds within 16768–18048 of the origin
    • The 7th ring has 36 strongholds within 19840–21120 of the origin
    • The 8th ring has 9 strongholds within 22912–24192 of the origin
  • The Player's body, hand and held item is now rendered while sleeping in bed.


10 issues fixed
From released versions before 1.9
  • MC-1058 – Some entities cannot be seen when on the edge of the screen.
From the 1.9 development versions
  • MC-89883 – Squid collision error/rubberbanding when on land
  • MC-90202 – Client can always use carrot on a stick, ignoring pig's food state
  • MC-90605 – Constant teleporting between the Nether and the Overworld.
  • MC-92289 – Extra strongholds spawn in positions Mojang didn’t intend.
  • MC-92476 – Inventory Duplication Glitch based on uncompleted entity removal
  • MC-94209 – Typo in soundevent name subtitles.enity.generic.explode.
  • MC-94213 – Snowman / Iron Golem slight into blocks(Descent altitude 0.03125, 1/32 block)
  • MC-95416 – Item duplication in multiplayer.
From the previous development version
  • MC-96571 – Click & Hover event buttons are offset
Posted on February 11th, 2016 03:52 PM EST
minecraft updates snapshots 1.9
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